Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alarm over premature growth (puberty) among young ones 关注孩童性早熟

Recent years, the issues of early or premature puberty among our young ones are becoming a well-discussed topic, especially among new mothers.

A Pediatric Endocrinology Specialist in China runs her ward from 8am to 2am as she is referred to 500 or more young patients each day! 3 most commonly seens concerns are: under-developed physique, premature puberty and obesity. Up to 70% are referred due to premature puberty, and majority of them are females.

How is ‘early puberty’ diagnosed?

Currently, early puberty is defined as:

  • Sexual development before the age of 8 for girls (development of breast and pubic hair under the arms and in the genital region) and age of 9 for boys.
  • The onset of ovulation and menstruation before the age of 10.
Experts found that there is a close link between dietary habit and their early sexual development.

Two case studies were presented:

A baby girl develops breast at the age of 11. Congenital diseases are ruled out. It was then found that the mother of the baby has irregular eating habit, and frequently consumes deep fried food.

A young boy, 15, suffers from obesity and develops ‘man-boobs’ which are larger than some female adults’. Lumps were also found underneath breast tissues. It was then found that the boy drinks lots of milk daily and loves fast food.


常听到为人母者感叹, 现在的孩子咋这么早熟啊?我们年代哪是这样子的呀?

中国浙江省中医院“小儿内分泌生长发育专科门诊”专家陈祺的门诊时间是从早上8点到凌晨2点。 实在令人咋舌!一周三天的专家门诊, 大约要看五、六百位小病人, 主要集中在三大类问题:矮小、性早熟、肥胖。 其中高达70% 是性早熟, 女孩子占绝对比例。 


目前定义性早熟的标准是:8岁以前出现第二性特征(乳房发育); 10 岁以前女生出现初潮。

专家表示, 这和饮食不当有密切关系。


11月大的女婴出现乳房发育症状, 而且是非先天性疾病。 经检查, 原来是女婴妈妈饮食不规律, 经常使用油炸食品。

15岁男孩, 肥胖, 乳房甚至比一些成年女性还要大, 而且有硬块, 平时男孩把牛奶当水喝, 而且酷爱吃洋快餐。

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Caffeine, sugar and bone loss

You’ve been told that coffee is unhealthy, but how unhealthy?

A study has found that drinking either a caffeinated drink (coffee, tea or caffeinated soft drinks) or a sugary drink cause calcium loss to increase by 25%. The same study found that when sugar was added into caffeinated drink, calcium and bone loss doubled.

Another study showed that high caffeine consumption seems to cause bone loss in elderly women who don’t get enough calcium. As long as elderly women get the recommended 1200mg of calcium a day, it is still safe for them to drink up to 300mg caffeine or about 18 oz of coffee or its equivalent.

At the time of writing, the link between caffeine intake and bone loss is not that significant.

Compared to other factors like female gender, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, low body weight, coffee intake may not seem to be a significant risk factor for osteoporosis. This would probably matters most when coffee intake is high (e.g. four or more cups of coffee daily) and calcium intake is low.

A good piece of advice would be to ensure that you will get sufficient calcium intake from your diet. Experts suggest that 1000 to 1500mg calcium per day. One glass of cow’s milk has 276 mg calcium. However, many people nowadays are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow’s milk. When dairies are important sources of calcium, there are other sources available:

  • Green peas
  • Goat's Milk some people find that goat’s milk is easier to digest. One cup of goat’s milk has 327mg calcium.
  • Oranges One cup of freshly squeezed orange juice give you 72mg calcium and lots of Vitamin C too.
  • Seaweed has up to 14 times the calcium of milk, and a balanced combination of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,, sodium, iron and trace minerals for stronger bones.
  • Calcium supplements Many opt for this. However, it is important to ensure that there is high calcium bioavailability with the supplements taken. Food source calcium is easier to be digested and absorbed due to their high vitamin D and magnesium content.

Massey, l.k. Acute effects of dietary caffeine and sucrose on urinary mineral excretion in healthy adolescents. Nutr. Res 8(9): 1988
Harris S. & Dawson-Hughes B. Caffeine and bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994, Vol 60, 573-578

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Breastfeeding significantly lowers cancer risk

A major study has strengthened the theory that breastfeeding significantly reduces a mother’s risk of breast cancer.

It revealed that women who breastfeed for a year over their lifetime are almost 5 percent less likely to develop the disease than those who do not breastfeed at all.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting Malaysian women. About 1 in 19 in this country is at risk. The study by the World Cancer Research Fund showed that breastfeeding for a year cut the odds of developing the disease by 4.8 percent.

Breastfeeding’s other health benefits for mothers are thought to include lowering the risk of ovarian cancer and cutting the risk of heart attacks by almost a quarter.

Breast milk also boosts the baby’s health, protecting them from tummy bugs, asthma, chest infections, asthma and allergies.

Breastfeeding may also cut the baby’s chances of cancer in later life by reducing his or her odds of obesity. In general, babies who are breastfed are healthier and achieve optimal growth and development compared to those who are fed formula milk. Breastfed babies receive protection from illnesses through the mother’s milk.

It is World Breastfeeding Week this week (1st -7th August), dedicated to bring awareness to breastfeeding worldwide.

Despite this, Malaysia has maintained low breastfeeding rates, with just 14.5% new mothers attempting it*, compared with 98% in Sweden!

*Salim et al, 2006

Monday, August 2, 2010

My dad has GOUT

Almost everyone we know, know of someone with gout! Especially dads. Close to 95% of those with gout are men. The first attack generally occurs between 40 and 50 years of age, but can occur at any age.

It was once thought gout is a disease of the wealthy, although too much alcohol and overeating of meat and seafood are often associated with its developement. Sumptious seafood, could that be the reason why there are so many dads in Sandakan with gout?

Gout is often related to an inherited abnormality in the body to process uric acid. In other words, it is a disease that you inherit. It runs in the family. However, Uric acid levels can become elevated by eating a lot of purine-rich foods, by the overproduction of uric acid by the body, or if the kidneys do not eliminate excess uric acid.

Gout is one of the most common types of arthritis. It causes inflammation of the joint, with swelling, warmth, redness and pain.

Gout is a disease in which there is a build-up of uric acid in the blood. A relatively small amount comes directly from the food we eat. Uric acid forms in the blood of healthy people as a breakdown product of various chemical processes. Normally, the body rids itself of any excess through the kidneys into the urine, so levels tend to be higher in people with kidney disease.

If the body cannot get rid of enough uric acid, there is a build-up of uric acid, some will be deposited in joints. This may cause acute inflammation of the affected joints.

The first attack of gout usually involves the big toe or the ‘bunion’ joint. The ankle, foot and knee may also be affected.

Gout attack usually occur very quickly, often overnight. The affected joint becomes very painful rapidly, often to the point that even the weight of a bedsheet is unbearable. Without the right management, attacks become more frequent, last longer and may involve other joints.

Attacks often occur for no obvious reason but can be triggered by:

• Drinking alcohol especially during a binge
• Over-eating especially if on a high-purine diet
• Minor injury to a joint
• Drinking insufficient water
• Fluid depletion due to medications such as diuretics
• Attempting a "crash diet"
• Fasting, e.g. before surgery

If gout runs in your family, you would benefit a lot from lifestyle and dietary modifications (lose weight, drink more water, avoid alcohol, take less purine-rich food, and control other related medical conditions like high cholesterol and hypertension).

It was once thought gout is a disease of the wealth, although too much alcohol and overeating are often associated with its developemtn.

There are no cure to gout. Diet control (or weight reduction for obese person) and drinking sufficient water is the most important aspects in gout management. Scientists are now beginning to explore the effects of anthocyanins and flavonoids on uric acid production. The Medical Universities are putting out more concrete evidence continually, concerning the health benefits associated with drinking cherry juice and relieving pain with gout. It seems that drinking cherry juice on a daily basis has kept numerous sufferers free from attacks.

However, always check with your doctor if you are suffering from severe gout attack.

100% Pure Cherry Juice, Organic is available for sale at Just Health.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Could vinegar be a natural fat fighter?

According to a Japanese study, vinegar is a natural fat fighter and may prevent the build up of fat, and therefore weight gain. Another article in the Japan Times from July 2005 revealed that many who drink the fruit-flavored vinegars find them refreshing and good stress relievers.

Known as o-su in Japan, vinegar has long been an important ingredient in Japanese cuisine. Nearly 70% of Japanese drink vinegar for its health benefits, particularly for improving circulation and countering fatigue (tired body). Now more and more Malaysians are seeking the benefits of vinegar, more fueled by reports that vinegar is effective in promoting weight loss. So does consuming vinegar make sense for your health?

Vinegar is a product of fermentation. It is a process in which sugars in food (rice or fruit) are broken down by bacteria and yeast. At first stage of fermentation, the sugars are turned into alcohol. Then as the alcohol gets fermented further, vinegar is formed.

Scientific evidence of vinegar benefits
Diabetes. The effect of vinegar on blood sugar levels is perhaps the best-researched and the most promising of vinegar’s possible benefits. Studies found that vinegar may help lower glucose level. For instance, one study of 11 people with type-2 diabetes found that taking two tablespoons of vinegar before bed lowered glucose levels in the morning.
High cholesterol. A 2007 study showed evidence that vinegar could lower cholesterol. However, the study was done in rats.
Blood pressure. Another study in rats found that vinegar could lower high blood pressure. A large observational study also found that people who ate oil and vinegar dressing on salads 5 to 6 times a week had lower rates of heart disease than people who didn’t.
Weight loss. For thousands of years, vinegar has been used for weight loss. Vinegar has been found to speed up metabolism, which leads to greater calorie burnt.

How to drink vinegar?
Some may think that they will rip more benefits from drinking vinegar neat. In fact, that is not recommended as it is rather a strong acid. The ideal way to drink vinegar is o dilute about 30ml with 3 to 4 parts of water, or mixed with fruit juices or honey.

Japanese vinegars are different from other vinegars; they are made from fermented rice, rather than fruit.

Saika Vinegar Drinks from Japan. 300ml RM 46.00
This product is available at Just Health.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wonders of Aromatherapy

What is aromatherapy and how essential is aromatherapy?

Many have a pre-conception that aromatherapy is just some ‘smell good stuffs’. In fact, it’s way beyond that.

So what is aromatherapy? It is a technique that uses the body’s sense of smell to help boost your mood, relieve stress, energize and encourage better health for body and skin. It is also widely used to treat certain emotional and physical conditions.

Did you know that pure essential oils are the main ingredients in true aromatherapy? Synthetic or chemically produced scents (or widely known as fragrance) DO NOT carry the health benefits of essential oils.

For example, peppermint and eucalyptus essentials are mentally stimulating. They can help you to maintain a clear focus. Try mixing this combination in hot water and gently inhale over the steam. You’ll love the tingly sensation throughout your body!

Lavendar and chamomile have the opposite effect. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, these 2 soothing scents will help you relax. For example, an evening massage with this combination and you’re off to dreamland … zzz

Need help with weight loss? There are some studies that suggest that essential oils from grapefruit and juniper berries stimulate calorie burning and reduce cravings for sweets.

Simply put, essential oils are the ‘essence’ of aromatherapy. They are highly concentrated and volatile. Essential oils are composed of tiny compounds that make the oil feel thin to the touch. If you gently rub the oil between your fingers, it will seem to disappear quickly and not leave an oily residue. Do not rub or massage with pure essential oil. They are volatile and may lose their therapeutic properties when rubbed too harshly.

The therapeutic properties of essential oils work via 2 mechanisms:
(1) Inhalation
(2) Application onto our skin

Keep in mind that essential oil should never be applied to your skin it its pure undiluted form. They are highly concentrated and should always be diluted with a carrier.

If you aren’t pro in the mixing, go for high quality pre-blended aromatherapy designed for either face or body. They are researched and developed by qualified chemists or aromatherapist.

Go organic when buying essential oils. Organic essential oils tend to reflect the highest quality aromatherapy oil.

Find out more about Eve Taylor Aromatherapy and Skin Care line that is natural, organic and paraben free.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

‘Dry Body Brushing’ smoothes your skin and brushes away the cellulite!

Dry body brushing, or also known as dry skin brushing, was recommended by the Finnish Dr. Paavo Airola for his patients over 30 years ago and is still popular in European spas and many cancer treatment centres today. Dry brushing is recommended to prevent dry skin and the ideal way to exfoliate the skin, thus stimulating skin renewal that is super soft to the touch, but there are many other benefits, including:

1. Reduces cellulite appearance
2. Stimulates lymph flow and toxins removal from the body
3. Removes dead skin layers
4. Strengthens the immune system
5. Stabilizes hormonal and oil-producing glands
6. Tightens skin
7. Stimulates circulation

Most importantly, it is easy, inexpensive and invigorating!

What do you need to dry brush?
To dry brush, you’ll need a soft natural fibre brush, like jute fibre, which are soft and are suitable for use on sensitive skin. Most nylon and synthetic fibre brushes are too harsh and may damage our delicate skin.

• Dry brush your dry and naked body before you shower.
• Start from the bottom of your feet upwards, and from the hand towards the shoulder, and on the torso in an upward direction helps drain the lymph back to your heart. Give each section about 20 brushes.
• Use light pressures on areas where the skin is thin and delicate and firmer pressure onto areas like the soles of the feet.
• Perform skin brushing once a day, preferably first thing in the morning.
• For areas with visible cellulite appearance, you may gently dry brush for 5 minutes twice a day.
• Avoid brushing on areas where the skin is injured, such as skin rashes, wounds, cuts, acne and infections.
• Finish off with your regular shower and ending with 3 hot and cold cycles. This will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, bring more blood to the outer layers of the skin, revealing a radiant skin.

Brush Maintenance
Clean your brush using natural soap and water once a week. After rinsing, dry your body brush in an open, airy space to prevent mildew.

Read more about it at
Jute fibre brushes are available for sale at Just Health, Sandakan.
Prices from RM 49. Email us for further enquiry.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sensitive skin during pregnancy

They say, 'Your skin will glow with absolute radiance when the baby comes along,' Yet you hate it that you cannot agree with that.

Is your skin a total baby these days - and not in a good way? Here's why and what you can do about your suddenly supersensitive skin ever since your pregnancy begins.

What is it? Skin tends to become more sensitive during pregnancy, not only due to your higher hormone levels, but because it has become more stretched and delicate. Skin and body care, or even detergents, may suddenly cause irritation, or conditions such as acne or eczema may become worse. Your raging hormones make your skin more sensitive to contact with substances that might not normally affect you, such as sunlight, heat, chemicals in the skin or body care, and even certain foods.

What to do? At all cost, avoid products that are laden with tons of additives, dyes, or fragrance, any of which can exacerbate the problem. Keep the dry and flaky areas well-moisturized. Avoid taking hot shower, which will dry out your skin. Finally, always protect your skin from the sun with a high-factor sunscreen (SPF 15 or more for Malaysia!). Avoid all things fragranced, lotions, perfumes, or even your trusted skin care, may now cause irritation.

Check with our consultant or nutritionist on a suitable range of skin care for a stress-free pregnancy!  

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Green Your Home

One day, I used a kitchen cleaner to clean my keyboard which is supposed to be sparkling white in color, but now grey-ish. After cleaning it and inhaling the chemical residue from the cleanser, I suffered from migraine for the next few hours. From then on, I knew I needed something less chemical, something greener. I started finding out more about green products.

Products we’re using to clean our home and clothes have quietly become more chemical-based over the past-century; many ingredients have a detrimental effect on our health and our world.

Can that be the reason why more kids are suffering from allergies nowadays?
Many of our favorite cleaning products contain benzene, which is toxic to inhale and a carcinogen phosphates, which damage river and marine life and naphtha, which a is CNS (central nervous system) depressant. Now, run to your kitchen or your toilet to check the cleaning agent to see how many chemical ingredients it contains.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Toxic hair color!

'How often do you dye your hair?' , 'as soon as the roots show its true color' .

Most of us may have been told that hair dyes contain various toxic and harmful chemicals. But many of us accepts the fact and continues to have our hair dyed every few months or even weeks! That's because the thought of having our roots showing its true color appears uglier than the toxic chemicals.

But now you may want to have a second thought before heading to the hair salon. Studies by Dr. Sakabe Mitsugu, director of clinical environmental medical centre of Kitasato Inst. Hospital finds that hair colorant may propagate growth of cancerous cells. So BEWARE if you have a family history of cancer. No one know if the tiny cancer cells are already in our body and you don't want to be feeding it, making it grow quicker.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Parabens in skin care, how bad are they?

The dangers of parabens in our skin care are just beginning to surface. Weight gain, skin aging and certain types of cancer are suspected to be caused by parabens! Shocking!

It is in fact that up to 60% of whatever placed on our skin goes into our bloodstream. This is where the danger states. Parabens are the most commonly used synthetic preservatives in many cosmetics and skin care. They ensure a long shelf life by stopping the growth of harmful bacterial, yeast and moold. But recent studies (by Suzanne M. Snedeker) found parabens in human breast cancer tissue. This raises obvious questions about their ability to accumulate in our body.

Most companies opted for parabens for the function and the justifiable cost. However, there is also evidence that parabens may disrupt the body's hormone systems by duplicating the effects of estrogen (female hormones).

Be aware that words like 'natural' or 'organic' do not mean paraben free. Learn to read the label and find out more for your own good.

3 Sabah hotels awarded ASEAN Greenest Hotel

The next time you are on a family vacation, work trip or meeting, if budget permits, check out one of these environmental-friendly hotels in Malaysia, recipients of the ASEAN Green Hotel Award.

Its comforting knowing that 3 out of 10 of them are located at our home state, Sabah.

  • Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur
  • Mines Wellness Hotel, Selangor
  • Nexus Resort Karambunai, Sabah
  • Renaissance Kuala Lumpur
  • Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur
  • Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort, Sabah
  • Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Penang
  • Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa, Sabah
  • The Andaman Langkawi, Kedah
  • The Frangipani Langkawi Resort & Spa

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Study finds organic food is in fact MORE nutritious

The French Agency for Food Safety (AFSSA) has found that organic food is superior nutritionally, in research pushed in the Journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development. Authored by Denis Lairon, the French study found key differences between organic and conventional foods.

The study concluded that organic plant products contain more dry matter and minerals, specifically Iron and Magnesium, and contain more anti-oxidant micronutrients such as phenols and salicylic acid. Organic animal products contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids (healthier type of fats required by our human body).

The study also revealed that organic vegetables contain far less nitrates. 80% human exposure to nitrates originates from vegetables. Nitrates has been linked to gastric cancer, circulatory problems and respiratory conditions such as asthma. Lairon also found that 94-100% organic food has no pesticide residues.