Almost everyone we know, know of someone with gout! Especially dads. Close to 95% of those with gout are men. The first attack generally occurs between 40 and 50 years of age, but can occur at any age.
It was once thought gout is a disease of the wealthy, although too much alcohol and overeating of meat and seafood are often associated with its developement. Sumptious seafood, could that be the reason why there are so many dads in Sandakan with gout?
Gout is often related to an inherited abnormality in the body to process uric acid. In other words, it is a disease that you inherit. It runs in the family. However, Uric acid levels can become elevated by eating a lot of purine-rich foods, by the overproduction of uric acid by the body, or if the kidneys do not eliminate excess uric acid.
Gout is one of the most common types of arthritis. It causes inflammation of the joint, with swelling, warmth, redness and pain.
Gout is a disease in which there is a build-up of uric acid in the blood. A relatively small amount comes directly from the food we eat. Uric acid forms in the blood of healthy people as a breakdown product of various chemical processes. Normally, the body rids itself of any excess through the kidneys into the urine, so levels tend to be higher in people with kidney disease.
If the body cannot get rid of enough uric acid, there is a build-up of uric acid, some will be deposited in joints. This may cause acute inflammation of the affected joints.
The first attack of gout usually involves the big toe or the ‘bunion’ joint. The ankle, foot and knee may also be affected.
Gout attack usually occur very quickly, often overnight. The affected joint becomes very painful rapidly, often to the point that even the weight of a bedsheet is unbearable. Without the right management, attacks become more frequent, last longer and may involve other joints.
Attacks often occur for no obvious reason but can be triggered by:
• Drinking alcohol especially during a binge
• Over-eating especially if on a high-purine diet
• Minor injury to a joint
• Drinking insufficient water
• Fluid depletion due to medications such as diuretics
• Attempting a "crash diet"
• Fasting, e.g. before surgery
If gout runs in your family, you would benefit a lot from lifestyle and dietary modifications (lose weight, drink more water, avoid alcohol, take less purine-rich food, and control other related medical conditions like high cholesterol and hypertension).
It was once thought gout is a disease of the wealth, although too much alcohol and overeating are often associated with its developemtn.
However, always check with your doctor if you are suffering from severe gout attack.
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