Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alarm over premature growth (puberty) among young ones 关注孩童性早熟

Recent years, the issues of early or premature puberty among our young ones are becoming a well-discussed topic, especially among new mothers.

A Pediatric Endocrinology Specialist in China runs her ward from 8am to 2am as she is referred to 500 or more young patients each day! 3 most commonly seens concerns are: under-developed physique, premature puberty and obesity. Up to 70% are referred due to premature puberty, and majority of them are females.

How is ‘early puberty’ diagnosed?

Currently, early puberty is defined as:

  • Sexual development before the age of 8 for girls (development of breast and pubic hair under the arms and in the genital region) and age of 9 for boys.
  • The onset of ovulation and menstruation before the age of 10.
Experts found that there is a close link between dietary habit and their early sexual development.

Two case studies were presented:

A baby girl develops breast at the age of 11. Congenital diseases are ruled out. It was then found that the mother of the baby has irregular eating habit, and frequently consumes deep fried food.

A young boy, 15, suffers from obesity and develops ‘man-boobs’ which are larger than some female adults’. Lumps were also found underneath breast tissues. It was then found that the boy drinks lots of milk daily and loves fast food.


常听到为人母者感叹, 现在的孩子咋这么早熟啊?我们年代哪是这样子的呀?

中国浙江省中医院“小儿内分泌生长发育专科门诊”专家陈祺的门诊时间是从早上8点到凌晨2点。 实在令人咋舌!一周三天的专家门诊, 大约要看五、六百位小病人, 主要集中在三大类问题:矮小、性早熟、肥胖。 其中高达70% 是性早熟, 女孩子占绝对比例。 


目前定义性早熟的标准是:8岁以前出现第二性特征(乳房发育); 10 岁以前女生出现初潮。

专家表示, 这和饮食不当有密切关系。


11月大的女婴出现乳房发育症状, 而且是非先天性疾病。 经检查, 原来是女婴妈妈饮食不规律, 经常使用油炸食品。

15岁男孩, 肥胖, 乳房甚至比一些成年女性还要大, 而且有硬块, 平时男孩把牛奶当水喝, 而且酷爱吃洋快餐。

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