Is your skin a total baby these days - and not in a good way? Here's why and what you can do about your suddenly supersensitive skin ever since your pregnancy begins.
What is it? Skin tends to become more sensitive during pregnancy, not only due to your higher hormone levels, but because it has become more stretched and delicate. Skin and body care, or even detergents, may suddenly cause irritation, or conditions such as acne or eczema may become worse. Your raging hormones make your skin more sensitive to contact with substances that might not normally affect you, such as sunlight, heat, chemicals in the skin or body care, and even certain foods.
What to do? At all cost, avoid products that are laden with tons of additives, dyes, or fragrance, any of which can exacerbate the problem. Keep the dry and flaky areas well-moisturized. Avoid taking hot shower, which will dry out your skin. Finally, always protect your skin from the sun with a high-factor sunscreen (SPF 15 or more for Malaysia!). Avoid all things fragranced, lotions, perfumes, or even your trusted skin care, may now cause irritation.
Check with our consultant or nutritionist on a suitable range of skin care for a stress-free pregnancy!